Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Where does the time go?

Here I am doing another 3 AM catch up. I planned on going to bed hours ago, but I kept telling myself I'd wait for one more load of laundry to finish or that Ben was going to wake up at any minute so why go to bed now?

Here are our last few weeks:

Two weeks ago my kids' dear Grandpa "Backie" was here. He brought circuis peanuts and a stuffed kitty, so we love him.

We went to Temple Square and Hannah cried when it was time to leave Jesus.

We played at the library.

And made milkshakes

After he left, Ben and Hannah decided that they do love each other

And Ben learned how to smile!

Hannah got lots of boo-boos. The first from falling down while running away from monsters.

The second from rolling off a yoga ball into the garbage can

And she dropped a can on her foot which actually made her cry longer and harder than any boo-boo ever has. (And that's saying a lot. A few weeks ago she fell six feet off a ladder at the playground. She was hurt and upset, but she cried the most when I told her she couldn't go back up the ladder 30 seconds later. She is a tough little girl)

Moving on...

The Binkie Addiction is spreading to all members of the family.

We went ice skating for family home evening a week and a half ago. We didn't get any pictures except of Ben ready to go.

Devan and I took turns skating with Hannah while the other sat with Ben. We bought a year family pass so I didn't feel bad only doing 3 laps with her (which on the huge track we were at is 3/4 of a mile) and leaving after a half hour. I really love to ice skate, so even though it's hard to skate with Hannah I have a goal to take her at least once a month. Hopefully she'll grow up and love it too.

We pulled out this book my Grandma got for me when I was a little girl. Hannah is learning to use her imagination and we had fun acting out stories.

I'm trying to take more pictures of Ben. I've already noticed how many more baby pictures there are of Hannah than of Ben. Poor forgotten child. I've started working on baby books for both of them. I didn't do one for Hannah when she was a baby, so at least in that aspect they've been equally neglected.

Last Friday we went to Devan's mission reunion. It was more fun for me than usual because the guys seem to have forgotten some of their Portuguese in the last 5 years so I could understand most of what was going on.

Hannah made some new friends. The first one left early and Hannah kept asking, "Where is my friend?" The second one was named Josh and they had fun together except for Hannah being a little bossy. She kept yelling across the gym, "Josh! Come here!" And I had to keep making sure she didn't run him over.

Hannah wasn't very well tended and the refreshment table was a perfect height for her. I got sick just off of all the half-eaten cookies she brought me. I know she also had 2 doughnuts and some chips on top of that. In short, she had a fun time.

We spent most of the weekend over at Chad and Ashley's listening to General Conference. Ashley and I made a fun pumpkin craft and we all enjoyed being able to listen to church in our pajamas. After this weekend I'm re-energized and realize that I need to be so, so, so much better than I am.

And finally, Monday Devan had the day off so we took a drive up a canyon. As usual, Hannah wanted to play in the mountain water, which is now super, super cold in October.

And that's us as of late.


Melinda said...

I think Ben is such a gorgeous baby! Looks like you guys have been busy, don't worry the sleeping will get better. (Who am I kidding, I NEVER sleep! Sorry.) :)

Ryan and Heather Bartron said...

First of all, I hate it when you do this to me! Your post is so long that I literally had to get a piece of paper to write down all my comments. At first I thought Ben looked a lot like Devan, but in that smiling picture, I think he looks a lot like you. Either way, I can't believe that he looks so much like a baby now, not a newborn. I guess he's not a newborn anymore. What happened?! Hannah's hair looks very cute and grown-up. That binky picture made me laugh. We have the same problem at our house. Nathan is always trying to "share" his binky with us. He's still pretty attached, but we're working on it. Lastly, are you taking a public speaking class?

P.S. I actually love it when you do long posts like this. It's so fun to read what you guys are up to.

P.P.S We need to chat soon!

Anonymous said...

I love the long posts too, you are so entertaining!!
I can't believe that Hannah is so "fearless" she really is a tough little girl.
Ben looks like he is growing so fast, love the smile!! miss you all and looking forward to seeing you at Christmas.

Anonymous said...

This is Renee by the way, i can't remember my password so i wrote as anonymous