Thursday, December 16, 2010

Christmas Devotional

On the fifth day, our church's First Presidency gave a devotional that was broadcast live. Hannah, Ben, and I went downstairs to watch it and eat with our neighbors. Devan was working and they were so sweet to invite us over. They are vegetarians who don't eat sugar so we always get to eat beautiful, delicious, healthy food when we get together with them.

My favorite part of the devotional were these words from Dieter F. Uchtdorf , "The more commercialized and busy the Christmas season becomes, the easier it is for the sublime message of the Savior's life to get lost along the way. If we notice that planning for parties and scrambling for presents begins to detract from the peaceable message of Jesus Christ and distances us from the gospel He preached, let us take a step back, slow down a little, and reconsider what matters most."

Later he concluded, "The Grinch saw the good in Christmas when he learned to look past its worldly trappings. If we do the same, we can, with the Grinch, proclaim: 'Maybe Christmas . . . doesn't come from a store. Maybe Christmas . . . perhaps . . . means a little bit more!'

"Our heart may not grow three sizes as the Grinch's did, but our heart will change. Our eyes will open to the miracles all around us-at Christmastime and throughout the year.

1 comment:

Melinda said...

You know I needed to hear that! So thank you very much! :)