Saturday, June 11, 2011

My blogging life is spiraling out of control. I'm so behind and every time I try to sit down and write I get discouraged. So I'm giving up. You will probably never see a picture of the kids in their Easter outfits (mostly because that picture doesn't exist. I've been putting off recreating that moment for the last two months) or my awesome new dress I got for Mother's Day or the Mother's Day brunch I created. You'll never find out what Devan and I did on our 4th wedding anniversary or any of the cute/ annoying things Hannah and Ben have been up to. But here is what we did today...

We went to the splash pad at the park with our friends...

This weekend we did a babysitting swap with our friends Dawn and Kevin. Tonight we ditched the kids and took a drove down to Provo for Krispy Kreme doughnuts. They were amazing. I already wish we'd gotten more..


Jen B. said...

Where is this splash pad? Looks so fun!

sweets said...

I love that park the kids have so much fun!

Renee Beck said...

Alex, dont be so hard on yourself!! I love your blog and its just great to be able to see you and the kids doing anything!!Love you!!