Monday, July 18, 2011

Fun with Grandpa

My friend Lisa is in Washington right now, but she's organized and already has her pictures posted. I've been putting off this post for a couple of days because she just wrote about her family's trip to Bradley Lake Park, and now I look like a dirty copy cat. Oh well... 

While we were in Washington we took a trip to the park. I love this park and my dad and I went there with Hannah a ton the summer we lived in Washington. Hannah was only a few months older back then than Ben is now so it was fun to go back and see what Ben compares.

I remember being so surprised when Hannah always wanted to climb this ladder when she was only 13 or 14 months old. I wasn't surprised this time when Ben wanted to climb it at 11 months.

I'm grateful that now Ben has Hannah to take him down the big slide so I don't have to do it.

Another day we took our traditional trip to the mall to play on the toys.

Unfortunately, this is where my camera died so I have no more Washington pictures that I took personally. I have some more cute ones my mom took, but they are on my laptop, which Devan just took with him on an out-of-town job. He won't be home until Wednesday. It figures that when I finally have 3 full days of no husband to distract me, I'd be left without the pictures I need to blog. How will I ever fill my days?

1 comment:

LisaJones said...

HA! Holy cow you're funny Alix! I'm sorry to steal your thunder. I've decided I have a golden blogging opportunity here with other people to tend my kids and I can just blog for hours on end. It's great!
I'm so bummed that we missed you guys in WA, but maybe next time. I'm excited to read more of what you've been up to though!