Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Preschool Girl

Today was Hannah's first day of preschool. She will be going twice a week for 2 hours. She was so excited. This week I've been able to get her to do anything just by saying that's what preschool girls do. We'll see how long that lasts.

We have to wait outside until there is a green "GO" sign. 

Then she has to hang up her coat and find her name tag on the table. She picked hers out right away without any help.

Then she finds her name and it tells her what color she's sitting on in the circle. Today she was purple. We sit and read a book for a minute while all the kids get settled in the circle.

Then we get them interested in a toy or a project and say goodbye. She picked painting today.

I think Ben thought school looked like fun. I felt kind of bad for him that he couldn't stay too.

After we left Hannah we went to the post office and then rushed home. Ben threw a fit the whole time we were in the post office and then screamed the whole time in the car. Preschool starts right when his first nap usually is, so by the time we made it home, he was an hour late to go to sleep. Then he only got to sleep for a half hour before we had to go back to pick up Hannah. This may really throw off our morning routine. But I have to keep reminding myself that in a couple of weeks a new baby will be throwing off our schedule anyway so it won't matter.

Thursday is my day to work in the classroom, so I'll know more details about what she does at school then. 

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