Monday, January 2, 2012

Books I read in 2011 - September through December

What a wonderful year of reading this has been. As geeky as I know this sounds, my books gave me something to look forward to on so many of my hard days last year.
 I finished the Hearts of the Children Series. I love this series so much!


I read the Wizard of Oz in one evening. It was a fun book. It made me want to read all the Oz books, but I think there are about 15 and, although they are probably all quick reads, I have too many other series I'm in the middle of.

Wicked was not my favorite book I read this year. It had a lot of sex in it and it was pretty dark. However, when it was over I found myself missing the characters.

I read Natural Childbirth the Bradley Way a couple of weeks before I gave birth. I was worried it was going to be too little too late, but I drew upon some of the things I learned while I was in labor. It was especially helpful to learn about the different emotional signposts of labor. I'd think, "Well, I'm still smiling and laughing. I know that means I have a long way to go still."

I loved The Help. I knew that I would. There were some disturbing scenes, but everything turned out alright enough in the end.


I loved The Two Towers even though I had a hard time getting through it. My mind wandered a lot during the descriptive paragraphs, but I love this story. I love Sam. He reminds me of my husband.

Oh how I love Percy Jackson. We really didn't enjoy the Lightening Thief movie, so I didn't expect much from the books, but they are so fun. Devan and I both flew through them. They inspired me to brush up on my Greek mythology too, so that's a bonus.

Magpie and Dilly is the first in a spin-off series and it's a prequel to the Buggy Crenshaw books. My aunt Mickey writes these books and this was definitely the best one yet. I loved the characters and loved the ending.

After reading the prequel I had to reread the first Buggy Crenshaw book. I enjoyed it so much more having just read so much background on it.


I like to read Pride and Prejudice at Christmas time. I think I've read it 5 times. This year I decided to do something different and read Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. It's the original book, with extra zombie scenes thrown in. It was, of course, not as good as the original, but I did much prefer how Lydia and Wickham ended up in the end.

And of course, A Christmas Carol. I love this story so much. It makes me want to be kinder and more understanding. It makes me grateful for my family even if we have a tiny home.

1 comment:

Ryan and Heather Bartron said...

Lots of good books to add to my to-read list. I read the Bradley book when I was pregnant with Nathan and I've been meaning to pull it out and read it again before it gets too late.