Monday, November 9, 2009

So much to do, so little motivation

We didn't really do much this week. Honestly, I don't know where the week went. A lot of homework and a lot of baby chasing. It took us 4 nights to finish one movie and it was one we'd already seen so it wasn't even that worth it. Sunday night we had one of Devan's friends from jr. high over for dinner. They have a son who is about Hannah's age, so that was fun. Devan and I gave talks in church yesterday. It was the first talk I'd given since I was 17, so I was really nervous, but I think it went okay. That's about all I got accomplished this week. But it was a nice week. I think I'm finally out of my funk.

Hannah wanted to clip her own toe nails

Then she wanted to be gross

(I love Devan's face in this picture)

Then she wanted to be sad when the clippers got taken away

I got a hair cut from Devan's sister who is in cosmetology school. Hurray for never paying full price for a hair cut again!

And we discovered we have an enchilada fiend on our hands

I really only wrote this because I'm procrastinating homework. I have two tests and a paper due on Wednesday and all I seem to want to do is sit around eating creamsicles.


Ryan and Heather Bartron said...

Wow. I don't know why but this post made me miss you SO MUCH! Maybe because you posted about nothing special, just life and I really wish I could be with you for day to day boring life. I can't wait to see you at Thanksgiving! I know our families will want to keep us for themselves, but we have to plan something together!!! By the way, I LOVE your hair. It is so cute. I haven't had mine cut in a year and I feel like Hermione (not in a cool, I can do magic way). Love you!

Voewl Movement said...

We have Wednesday off at my school (Veterans Day). So that's good. But we don't have any creamsicles. And we certainly don't have any cute one-year-olds running around, keeping us entertained. So you're ahead.

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