Friday, May 21, 2010

Three Years

We celebrated our three year wedding anniversary this week. I was thinking over the last three anniversaries earlier today trying to find pictures of them. There aren't any pictures from the first year, but this is the one taken closest to our anniversary.

This was Mother's Day weekend 2008. Hannah was 4 weeks old. Look how tired we all are. I'm telling myself it was from the 850 mile drive to Washington that day, not the baby. (I'm starting to get nervous to do the newborn thing again.)  We were back in Utah the next week for our anniversary, but we stayed in with a lasagna that night.

May 19, 2009

On our second anniversary, Devan and I were sealed together for eternity in the Draper Temple and Hannah was sealed to us as well. Before this, I used to talk about how stressful our wedding day was. I looked back on it and could see all the happiness that had come because of that day, but the actual day wasn't a particularly fun memory. The day we were sealed was peaceful and perfect. It was the best day of my life.

And in keeping with the tradition, May 19, 2010... 

We decided we wanted to go to a restaurant called the Rodizio Grill for our anniversary (we went last year too, just the night before our actual anniversary.) It's an expensive restaurant and we'd save $16 by going for lunch instead of dinner, so we saved it for the next day when Devan didn't have work. Instead we took a drive and ended up at the Little Acorn, about an hour south of us. It's a cute little burger place and Devan used to go there as a kid when his family went on vacation. Also, I'm not positive, but I think it's where Devan and I went on our first date that was just the two of us. Anyways, there are some memories there.

It was nice for the three of us to spend the evening together. I love that every year when we celebrate our marriage and our family, Hannah has been around to share it with us. And on our fourth anniversary, we'll be a family of four!

Devan brought me 3 red roses in honor of 3 years and he brought one for Hannah too. What a good dad!

1 comment:

Lauren said...

You posting about the temple made me cry. No joke. I'm sitting here crying at work. I'm so glad your sealing day was perfect. I really like how you talked about the peace you felt.