Sunday, September 20, 2009


This is Hannah in the cute jumper that her Nana gave her for Christmas last year. I'm so excited that it fits her now because it's the most perfect fall outfit. She brought me the blue socks herself and wanted me to put them on her. A couple of minutes after I took the picture I put it on the computer and asked Hannah, "Who's that?" and she said, "Me?" She's never said that before! Devan and I got all excited and she looked at us like were weird and wouldn't say it again.

Yesterday was our niece, Peyton's, 5th birthday party. I can't believe she's 5 already. When I first met her she was younger than Hannah is now. I think the picture below perfectly captures our lovely, quietly-thoughtful, growing-up-far-too-quickly, pretty, pretty, pretty Peyton.

For a craft all the kids got to paint little ceramic sculptures. Hannah did a good job on hers and I think she enjoyed painting, although she got bored easily. Oh well, that's about all I expect from a (in three short weeks!) 1 and a half year old.

1 comment:

Ryan and Heather Bartron said...

What a cute, grown-up girl you have!