Saturday, July 30, 2011

Independence Day

I'm so behind in my blogging again, but we just had the most awesome birthday party for Ben which gives me motivation to get caught up so I can share all our cute pictures.  So let's dive right in....

The day before the Fourth of July, I made everyone dress up in red, white, and blue church clothes and we took pictures of ourselves. We (I) like doing that sort of thing.

This is not our apartment, but our neighbor is (apparently) much more patriotic than we are, so we used her front door as the backdrop to our photo shoot.

Hannah and I painted our nails flag colors. We thought we were pretty much the coolest.

Even Devan put on a red tie with out the usual prompting (translated: nagging, whining, threatening) from me.

On Monday, the actual Fourth of July, we had a great BBQ with our friends the Sudweeks and the Fishes. Then we went out in search of fireworks. Seeing the crowds around Sugarhouse park, we gave up and went to Devan's brother Jordan's house to watch fireworks from their balcony. They weren't home, but we had fun. After the fireworks, we brought out Devan's hammock that he keeps there.

It was fun and only a little crowded.

This was a before I knew I was a month farther along that I thought. Look at that belly! There's no way that's a 5 months belly.

What would I ever do without my Benjamin?

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