Monday, October 12, 2009

Kettle Corn, Leg Warmers and Fat Lips

I can already tell this is going to be a super long post, and I apologize, but we just had way too much fun this weekend!

Saturday Devan spent all day at his parent's house working on the car. I planned on getting a bunch done at home, but all I really did was watch about 4 episodes of "Lost" (help, Heather, I'm totally addicted!) and make some baby leg warmers.

It wasn't until after they were finished that I realized she doesn't have any clothes that match them, but I figure it's almost Halloween, it works. Saturday evening we went to a pumpkin patch and corn maze with some old friends. This isn't a good picture, but these are all the girls that were there:

From left to right it's me and Hannah, Ashley and Xavier (more about him later), Aubrey, Candace and Becca, Misty, and Robin. Ashley, Misty and I were all roommates. Misty and I got married around the same time and Candace moved in about a month before our weddings. After I moved out, Aubrey moved into that apartment. And Robin is Ashley's brother-in-law's girlfriend.

And the boys to match...

We had another roommate named Stephanie who couldn't be there because she had to work all weekend, so Ashley took care of her 2 month old son from Saturday afternoon until Sunday night. He's just the sweetest little baby. He makes me want another one so badly!

We had a great time in the corn maze. Hannah did pretty well and walked through almost the whole thing. Although she seemed a little disorented because it was so dark. The only downside of the experience is that the pumpkin patch wasn't selling kettle corn! All day long I'd been looking forward to fresh kettle corn and hot apple cider. I was so disappointed that (of course)after the corn maze I had to go to the store and get kettle corn and cider. Then we met up at Candace and Andrew's house for some games.

Hannah's favorite game was playing dress-up the baby. I feel sorry for my kid if I have a boy next.

And so, because of my moment of popcorn weakness, we've had kettle corn around our house all weekend.

This morning we went to church and it was Hannah's first Sunday to be able to go to the nursery since she turned 18 months on Friday. She cried a little when we dropped her off, but no one had to come get us at all and we were able to enjoy 2 hours of church with no squirming baby on our laps. It was the greatest feeling.

This evening we went over to Ashley and Chad's for dinner and to carve the pumpkins. Ashley is so great at holidays. The decorations, food and company were all amazing. The food especially. I promised myself I wasn't going to succumb to holiday food this year, but I don't think that's going to happen.

To get as much use out of it as we could, Hannah went to the party in her Halloween costume.

But she changed halfway through because Ashley got her these cute Halloween clothes.

Hannah was so jealous of the baby. This looks like a sweet picture, but she's actually trying to grab Xay and pull him off her dad's lap.

Hannah had a great time playing with Becca. Hannah is just one month older. I babysat Rebecca for about a month when she was 3 months old, but I haven't seen her since. I've missed that baby and I can't believe how big she's gotten. She's a very sweet, quiet, good girl. She was so good about listening to her parents and not getting into trouble. I think every time she did something she wasn't supposed to it was because she was copying Hannah. I have a feeling we're going to have trouble with that girl. I didn't realize how feisty Hannah was until I saw her next to Rebecca. But Hannah is pretty dang funny, so maybe it's all worth it.

Ashley got pumpkins for the girls to paint and it started out really well...

And turned into this...

This is what Becca thinks about not being allowed to eat the paint...

I HATE to carve pumpkins, but I LOVE having carved pumpkins on my doorstep so I sucked it up and did it. Mine is the one fourth from the left. For some reason once I got the top off, I couldn't get it back on. But that's okay. I think it makes him look fancy...kind of like a top hat.

It was a great weekend. It was nice to do things we all enjoyed and to spend time together with friends.

Immediately after I took this picture I dropped the camera on my face. Now my lip is swollen and I'm way excited to go to school tomorrow.


Ryan and Heather Bartron said...

Okay, this WAS a really long post and I thought of about 12 comments I wanted to make as I was reading it, but now I can't remember any of them so tough luck. I think there was one about how cute Xavier is and how we are looking for a pumpkin patch so we can take cute pictures of Nathan there and something about mocking your fat lip. If I think of more I will let you know.

LisaJones said...

All I have to say is...YOu are one Hot mama.
And so Totally Alix!
...How heavy is your camera?

Andy and Alianna said...

I can't stop reading your blog. You always have the weirdest experiences.