Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Baby pictures

We got to see our baby yesterday! They couldn't tell what it was...or maybe they could and we just aren't telling you. Either way, here are the pictures.
Hunched over forward.

Baby was meauring a little big so they bumped my due date to 7/22. I don't believe them though. For the record, I will be having this baby sometime the first week of August. If it comes earlier, great, but don't start asking me on July 15th where the baby is.

This one is kind of a creepy picture, but I like how you can see into its head and see the seperation between the two brain hemispheres.

I'm getting so excited. I was looking through old baby clothes the other day and I can't believe Hannah was ever that little. I can't wait to have another little baby around!

1 comment:

Ryan and Heather Bartron said...

How wonderful! You're making me a little baby hungry. Just kidding. Sort of. Ugh.