Monday, February 22, 2010

Too Too Too Much Fun

Last weekend my mom turned 50. Her friend Wendy threw her a joint birthday party with her 9 year old daughter. Mom went all week thinking that was all the hoopla she she was going to get. Friday afternoon Wendy and her sister Renee showed up at her work and took her to Las Vegas! Mom's friend Della was at the hotel when they got there and Devan, Hannah, and I showed up that night to further surprise her.

On the way, we made a stop in St. George to play on rocks.

Hannah's hair was funny. I took one of her pigtails out to fix it and the rubber band broke. So one side of her hair is sticking straight out.

If you look closely at this picture, you can see a smudge of dirt on her nose. She'd gotten running too fast and fell on her face.

When we left Salt Lake it was snowing. It was so nice to be able to play outside with no coats on just a few hours later.

1 comment:

Ryan and Heather Bartron said...

I'm sorry you guys still have snow! Move to Oregon!!!