Friday, August 13, 2010

Hannah Goes Jump, Jump, Jump

I heard about this jumping play place for kids so I took Hannah yesterday. She's been feeling very cooped up lately and I'm such a wimp about the heat. We had such a fun time. We stayed for 2 and a half hours before I convinced her she was hungry enough to leave.

She played on this slide for about a half hour straight. There were 4 bigger kids who were probably 5 to 8 and she chased them up the ladder and down the slide over and over again. They'd scream and run away and she'd scream and run after them. They were all really nice to her. It was so funny to watch.

They had a bunch of those little coin operated rides. She never figured out that they move, but they were one of her favorite parts.

For some reason this hit me hard. She took a break from playing and went to get a drink all by herself. What a big girl.

And this was my favorite part of the whole day!

She went down that slide over and over and over.

We bought a pass so we can go back as much as we want this month. This morning out of the blue she said, "I had fun jumping. Go back?" What a cute kid.

1 comment:

Renee Beck said...

I want to go there when we come down!! its looks great!!