Friday, August 13, 2010

What's going on with Ben

10 days old

On Monday I took Ben in for his 2 week checkup. I picked a new doctor that my midwife recommended and I'm so happy we made the switch. For one thing, her office is only a half mile from our house so we're able to walk to appointments. The office was very friendly and welcoming and I just loved the doctor. She was very kind and gave some great advice on helping Hannah adjust to the new baby even though it wasn't Hannah's appointment and she seems like she's going to be good about letting me make my own decisions about my kids' care.

Ben seems to be growing well. He's 9 pounds 2 ounces already, which puts him in the 65th percentile. I would have thought it would have been a higher percentile than that, but that's probably only because Hannah was in the 3rd percentile up until her first birthday. He's in the 80th percentile for height. He's a long, long baby.  

I haven't written much about Ben yet, so I have to say, he's a delight! I think it helped that he learned how to eat so quickly. He eats about every 2 hours during the day and I'm not sure how often at night because I stay half asleep while I feed him. But even at night he fusses just a little when he wants to eat and then goes right back to sleep. I haven't had to cry to Devan for help in the middle of the night once since the night we brought him home. That's big for us. It's only been two weeks and I know that it will get harder as he gets older and is awake more, but so far we've gotten really lucky. I was geared up for it to be so so hard that I'm pleasantly surprised about how well we're surviving. I have to admit that I am more tired all the time than I imagined I'd be, but I feel like, in spite of that, I'm functioning better than I thought I would. And...I already miss being pregnant. How scary is that?

14 days old

17 days old

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