Sunday, September 5, 2010

I thought I'd lost my camera forever

Last Tuesday we visited the gardens at Thanksgiving Point. I came home and reached for my camera and it was gone. I emptied the diaper bag and searched the car, but it wasn't anywhere. The next day I called the garden and no one had turned it in. My camera is literally falling apart and I'm just trying to keep it going until the Black Friday sales, so I wasn't sad to have lost it, just sad to have lost all the pictures on it. Then today Devan reached in the diaper bag and ... there was the camera. Ack! So, here's a continuation of my catch-up from last week.

Monday, August 18th Ben was almost 3 weeks old and I didn't have a lesson planned for family home evening, so we went to the Draper Temple and walked around. Hannah wasn't in the mood for pictures, but this is what we got.

The next day I decided to be ambitious and plan some stuff for us to do during the day. I made a flannel board and some cut-outs and we spend the afternoon acting out the story of "The Little Red Hen" on it. I had planned to have her help me make bread just like the hen does, but once again the babies weren't cooperating and I got frazzled and it didn't happen. So when my sweet Devan came home he made bread with her and taught her all about grinding the wheat into flour and making the flour into dough and the dough into bread. All she really wanted to do was eat the dough.

The next day. August 18th, we went to Jumpin' Jacks and there was a balloon guy there. He made her a Tinkerbell balloon. She love, love, loves Tinkerbell! She carried it with the whole time she was there.

It made it hard for her to get up the slides, but she sure loved that thing!

1 comment:

Ryan and Heather Bartron said...

I did the same thing once... with my engagement ring. It was in my purse the whole time. In my frantic search, I must have missed it. Your babies sure are beautiful! You always seem to be doing such fun things as a family and finding fun ways to entertain Hannah at home. You make me feel like a delinquent mom! What kinds of things were you doing with her a a year ago?