Friday, August 21, 2009

Samurai's Japanese Steakhouse

Tonight we went out to dinner with Mom and Kory and Aunt Renee and Mickey for Mickey's birthday. We had such a great time!

Hannah getting ready to go out in her mom's yukata

The restaurant had a great atmosphere.

Hannah loved all the food!

We told the server it was Mickey's birthday and so they sang her a Japanese birthday song and made her bang on a drum. She was completely embarrassed, but it was so cute!

Great food and a great time with family!


LisaJones said...

Looks like you guys have had a really fun summer in WA! When are you headed back down here?

AlixSteele said...

We're headed back right now. We're currently in a hotel in Boise. Hopefully by tomorrow evening we'll be at least partially moved into our new apartment!