Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Bike, outside

The one thing I really wanted to be able to get Hannah for her birthday was a tricycle. Then, birthday money came from both her Great-grandmas and our dream became a reality. She's still learning. It's a little big for her, so she has trouble reaching the peddles, but she's getting much better at steering if we're pushing her. My hope is that one day she'll be able to ride it while we take our walks since she things she's too big for a stroller now.

Two days after her birthday. Our first time out.

The next time we took it out, she rode for about two minutes and then decided she'd rather drag it.

This isn't our building...

This is about the time she gave up and went to the playground. She loves it though. She tries to pull it out of the laundry room and we tell her it's an outside toy so all day long I hear, "Bike, outside?" And when we go somewhere and see bikes she says, "Hannah's bike?" We'll keep practicing and eventually she'll enjoy peddling and steering more than pulling it.

1 comment:

Ryan and Heather Bartron said...

I love that Devan is just laughing at her as she rides into the fence! Go Big Girl Hannah!