Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Weekend - Saturday

This was an interesting Easter weekend because Easter happened to fall on General Conference weekend this year. General Conference is the first weekend of every April and October and it's when our church leaders speak to us. There are two 2 hour sessions on Saturday and Sunday, plus a session just for the men on Saturday night. General Conference is broadcasted from the Conference center in downtown Salt Lake live to churches all over the world and can also be watched online. We watched most of it online, but Sunday morning we were able to get tickets to go downtown and see it live. So, it was a busy, fun, uplifting weekend.

Every Saturday before Easter, Devan's mom has an egg hunt for the grandkids.

Saturday evening we went over to Chad and Ashley's so we girls could hang out while the men went to their priesthood session.

Ashley and I were busy sewing all evening, so we didn't remember to dye Easter eggs until almost midnight. Devan was sleeping on the floor by this point.

I have a fun apron pattern so we were going to sew aprons, but only Ashley ended up doing one. I spent the evening finishing up mine and Hannah's Easter skirts.

She did a good job, huh? I love that fabric!


Ryan and Heather Bartron said...

Cute apron! I have been wanting to make a new one like that. Where did you find the pattern?

LisaJones said...

Fun weekend! That easter basket you made for hannah is way cute! What did you make it out of?