Tuesday, February 1, 2011

January - Week 1

January was a bit of a blur for me. I know that I had some really good times and some really bad times. I think more good than bad...

New Year's Eve we arrived home from Washington at around 7. It was just starting to snow, so I showered, ran out to the store for our milk, bread, and eggs and then we played Candyland.

We were all asleep by 10:00. It was perfect. I can't remember at all what we did New Year's Day, but I can remember that we got up early and felt great because we hadn't been up late eating junk food. Unfortunately, the lesson didn't stick because I made up for it with plenty of nights this month staying up late, eating junk food.

 This picture was taken New Year's Day. She's playing with her princesses. Maybe trying to keep them warm.


She loves those princesses so much. They've come out to play every day since Christmas. Today she spent about an hour playing with them in a laundry basket. She'd put them in and say they were at the gym. Then she'd grab one and say, "Don't cry. We'll go find your mom" and bring her to me. She was playing that they were all at the daycare at the gym! My daughter playing for that long about PRINCESSES in the DAYCARE at the GYM makes me feel bad about my mothering in so many different ways.

We went out a few days after the New Year to catch the rock bottom prices of Christmas merchandise. We got next year's Christmas ornaments for both kids and some fancy colored lights. We decided to put some up in Hannah's room since she loves Christmas lights so much. We thought they might make it a fun nightlight.

They were fun and we called them her party lights. But they turned out to be TOO much fun and they didn't even last one night.

One day the first week of January, Hannah became really interested in learning to write her name. She already does okay with "H", so I printed out an "A" sheet.

Fun stuff.

Another day that week we made Valentine finger puppets. They've already all lost heads or arms. I yearn for a lamination machine. A small one and a bunch of extra sheets is less than $50. I'm hoping for one for my birthday, just to throw that out there...

And then Hannah learned how to cut and glue.

We fulfilled our goal the first week of January and no one watched any TV or movies. It was a good, productive week. The next week Devan and I watched a show or two and I occasionally turned on a movie for Hannah. This last week I feel like the TV has been on almost every day. But it's usually been Hannah watching a movie during the day or us watching a show after they were in bed. I think I've completely eliminated any adult TV watching when there were children awake needing my attention. This may not seem like much, but my kids were very neglected, so this is a big personal victory.

The first weekend of January...

This is my Benjamin. I love him so much. I hope he knows...

On Saturday Dad was home and we needed to get out of the house so we did some errands and then took a field trip to the pet shop. It was like getting to go to the zoo!

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Oh, Alex! You are hilarious! The saddest part of moving to Provo is that we can't hang out anymore. You need come down and play some morning. I need a whitty friend nextdoor (building) again.