Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Washington Christmas

We're going for speed here...

We left 3 days before Christmas at 4 AM and arrived in Puyallup at around 7 at night. It was an okay drive except that Hannah was sick. The first half of the drive she complained about her stomach hurting and then when we stopped for lunch she vomited all over me, Ben, and my lunch. I was glad we were in a cute little diner, and the waitress was super helpful and got us more food. She spent the rest of the trip with a cup in her lap, but we did have to pull over 3 times to clean her up when she missed.

But we made it! This was seriously meant to be an excited face...

Since the kids had slept all day in the car and we knew weren't going to sleep that night, we headed over to Grandpa's after Grandma and Kory went to sleep. We were a little slow getting the car loaded so Hannah started walking.

Day before Christmas Eve. Hannah is happy to be alive and to be at Grandma's house.

And one day Kory let Hannah play basketball with him.

Devan's birthday/ Christmas Eve at Mom's house.

Hannah discovered the kitchen set we thought we'd hidden so well by facing it backward against a wall downstairs. We realized we hadn't seen her in a while and found her here. She'd turned the kitchen around and was helping herself.

She loved it so much. All she wanted to do the whole trip was cook.

I made Renee and Mickey matching aprons. She was THIS excited about them!

And I was THIS excited about the new silverware they got for me!

Devan's birthday candle. My old husband is now 27!

And then we played Rock Band into the wee hours of the morning (or like 10:30 PM, I can't quite recall.)

Christmas morning we got up at 7 to open our presents. We were tired.


...tired. But new dishes!


Grandma gets very excited about cute babies.

Then off to Grandpa's house. Hannah got Hungry, hungry, hippos, which has made our long, freezing January much more bearable.

And Ben ate lots of bananas. And enjoyed what may have been the first time in his life that he got the attention of both parents at the same time.

We went bowling on Monday after Christmas.

And I'm sure we did lots of other fun things, but since it was months ago, I can't remember. We had a lovely trip. I was tired all the time (see picture below... And all the ones above), which means it must have been great. Someone in our family was violently, staying-in-bed-all-day-sick every other day of our 10 day vacation, so it was a little chaotic at times. But we were spoiled far past what we deserved, we were fed much more than we needed, and we were very, very loved.  

We headed out the day before New Year's Eve, but for some reason the trip back was slow going. It took us 10 hours to make it to our half-way point and by the time we got there both kids had been screaming for an hour straight. So we stopped for the night. We stayed in a hotel and ate delivery pizza bought with money we didn't have, but it was perfect. It was good for our souls.

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