Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Stupid Christmas!

Ugh! It wasn't stupid, it was wonderful. So wonderful that I can't even begin to explain all the wonderfulness. So I put off writing and put off writing until it's become a hateful little chore. Bah! Humbug!

The night before we left for Washington we opened our presents in our family. I was so excited. I have such a hard time not buying things during the year so whenever I find something I can't resist buying for the kids, I get it then and then save it for Christmas. I had some things that I'd been saving since June. I almost couldn't handle the anticipation.

We gave Devan his "Best Dad" Oscar magnet that we bought for him in Hollywood in May.

Sing-a-majig. I've had it since the summer. She carries it around and calls it her baby.

Everyone got piles of books (from the thrift store.) Very exciting, nonetheless.

I had to drag Hannah away screaming from these Elmo slippers when she first saw them at the store. She wanted them so badly. They were worth the wait. She loves to walk around in her "at home shoes".

Ben did a pretty good job opening his presents. He drooled on the paper until it fell away.

Ben with his Christmas haul...

He had to work hard to protect it from his sister.

And someday Hannah will hate that this picture exists, but just so you know, I was there too.

1 comment:

Renee Beck said...

Thanks Alex!! I have been looking for a new entry for weeks and was really excited to see this here this morning!! Love and miss you guys!!