Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Second Week of January

Monday we went ice skating. Hannah has improved a lot since the first time we took her nearly a year ago. We didn't do a video of her with the "walker" last year, but she couldn't stay up on it for 5 seconds before. Look now! Double chick to watch the video on youtube so that it isn't half cut off.

We didn't do a whole lot during the week. The kids had colds and I got these great pictures of Mr. Ben...

He learned how to get up on all fours and rock back and forth this day, but I didn't catch it in the pictures.

Another day, Hannah and I made these snowmen during Ben's nap. I did all the hats, scarves, and noses. She did all the painting and made all the faces except for the very last one.

Ben woke up before we were quite finished, but he waited patiently.

And of course, I broke eye contact with Hannah for 30 seconds and this happened...

On Friday night, Hannah's best friend Arianna and her brother got to come over and play. Devan was so nice and took care of the babies and I got to do the fun girl stuff. 

I love it so much!

Saturday we had dinner at a friend's house and Hannah got to play with her friend Timothy and a giant dog. I think it was her favorite night ever.

We played this great game called reverse charades where the whole team acts out a word and one person has to guess the word. And you may notice Hannah in the background. Yes, even when we're guests in someone's home, my children are never fully dressed.

Sunday I sang a solo in church. I haven't even sung in a small group since high school and I don't think back then I ever sung a solo at church. I was scared, especially since the kids were both sick that week. I kept feeling the cold coming on, but every time I felt a sniffle or hint of a sore throat, I'd chug some water. I think I drank 20 cups of water before I sang Sunday at 1:30 and I made it through. I sang, "I Need Thee Every Hour," and my sweet sister-in-law accompanied me. It was a good, scary experience and I'm glad it's over.

1 comment:

Melinda said...

I love in the video she's all *grimace* "I'm having fun..." hehehe SO CUTE!

Awesome for singing a solo, I'd be terrified! (Especially since I don't sing so well! haha)

Your kids are so cute Alex!