Thursday, September 22, 2011

Berry Picking

Every summer since Devan and I have been married I've complained about the price of blackberries in Utah. It's something like $3 for a couple of cups and I always say, "Aren't blackberries supposed to be free?" So, a couple of Sundays ago we took a little walk by our apartments and found blackberries growing by the side of the road. We got 9 cups in a half hour and the next morning I took the kids out again and got another 8 cups. We have a bunch frozen and we ate a bunch. They were so good!

And here I am looking very pear shaped. I can't wait until I get this baby out and I can have my body to myself again.

Speaking of pear shaped, I bought one of these to wear after baby comes. It's supposed to help squeeze your hips back into the proper place after you give birth. All the Amazon reviews said it's super uncomfortable, but that it actually works. I'll keep you posted.


Melinda said...

Haha I've heard that shaper works too, now I wish I'd seen it before my last baby since I can't fit into any of my pants... ;)

Ryan and Heather Bartron said...

Hooray for living in Washington! I hadn't seen those hip shapers before. I've heard of wraps you can put on your stomach to shrink it back down. I would totally spend the money just for the possibility of shrinking myself.