Saturday, December 4, 2010

On the first day of Christmas

I've decided we're going to plan something Christmassy every day of December (today is only day 4 and I'm already pretty exhausted!) I have this advent calendar that my Grandma Beck made me when I was around Hannah's age.

When I was a child I would get to open a present every day until Christmas. My kids will not be so lucky. But we did write down something fun to do everyday until Christmas so Hannah can pull out a slip of paper and find out what we're going to do that day.

The first day of December we decorated our Christmas tree. Hannah was in a foul mood so it was slow going but our tree is beautiful and I excited to get to enjoy it all month long.

Hannah broke apart a styrofoam box so her first job was to clean up all the styrofoam "snowflakes".

We unpacked our Christmas stuff and found no fewer than seven Christmas outfits for Ben to wear. He's going to be a very festive baby!

I post a lot of pictures of Ben crying. That's partly because he cries whenever we try to do something other than walk around holding him and partly because I think he's so cute even when he's crying.

We're missing a couple of strands of lights. I may go out and buy more or we may have a naked top of a Christmas tree. Either way, I'm not going to redo all those lights!


Voewl Movement said...

In the top photo she looks so ... divorced.

Melinda said...

Such a great idea, you already know I've been feeling so un-Christmas-like, I need to sit down and come up with a list to do. Love it!