Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Our Night in Bethlehem

My dear friends the Wards do this every year and I've always wanted to make it our Christmas Eve tradition too, but the holidays always get away from us. This year we'll be at my mom's house on Christmas eve, so I decided we'd do our own family Christmas last night.

For dinner we had fish, cheese, bread, (it wasn't anything fancy. I was planning on making a bread, but the evening got so crazy that I decided I'd rather eat a store-bought cheesey bread from the freezer than stress out) hard-boiled eggs, olive, grapes, and grape juice. It was a feast!

We didn't put too much thought ahead of time into our costumes. We'll do better next year. I'll talk to Heather about what they do.

 Ben was asleep at the beginning.

We didn't act out the nativity because we had so few actors and half of them were too young, but I did read the accounts of the first Christmas from the scriptures while Hannah played with the Nativity set.

I have to tell you about my "Miracle of the Nativity Scene" this year. I've always wanted one, but the nice ones are so expensive and there are always so many things to spend money on at Christmastime. This year I wanted to try harder to focus our celebrations on Christ so I started looking for an affordable one. The cheapest one I found was $10 and it looked cheap. Then the morning of our Christmas celebration I was at a thrift store and I decided to look through their Christmas decorations although I wasn't very optimistic. I figured if they had a nice nativity scenes they would have all been bought by 5 days before Christmas. I walked down the asile and there it was, in a box right in front. I opened it and all the pieces were there. (Although I did drop the donkey and break his foot off while we were in the store.) And it was only $2! I was so excited. It made such a difference having it while we read the Christmas story.

It was so nice. We'd read a little and then eat a little and then sing a little and then do it all over again. The children were well-behaved and there was a heavenly peace in our home.


Melinda said...

What a fun idea! We always try to act out the nativity and we always read it out of the scriptures, but a night in Bethlehem would be even better! Great idea for finding a nativity set too, I'll have to go look!

Ryan and Heather Bartron said...

We just had our Savior Supper here in Arizona the other night. Our costumes were pretty thrown together too. My parents have all sorts of tunics cut from fabric, and rope belts and such. It would be easy to make. I was in the same boat with the nativity set. I've always wanted one but couldn't afford any I liked. A few years ago my mom gave me her old one that she got at the Dollar store years ago. It looks similar to yours, only not so many pieces.

Janey said...

How fun to know that you are also doing a "Savior Supper"! We also turn off all the lights and eat by candle light. I would someday also like to get some wooden bowls or plates to use. It brings a special spirit to the evening. And the bonus is that it's a really easy dinner to do on Christmas Eve.